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Friday, October 4, 2013

The Food Holidays of October 2013

In the music industry every is worried about getting their release out in the fourth quarter because that is when the heavyweights usually come out to play. Christmas, Hanukkah and every other holiday that requires gift giving usually takes place in the 4th quarter of the year and with that come a lot of added sales. In the food industry things are no different. True everyone wants to watch their weight so they can stay in shape for next years heat wave, but in the end we almost all succumb to the greatest of sweets & treats that can be found just around every corner this time of year.  Last year around October brought about some major changes in our business, all for the better and I wish to simply say thank you to all of our supporters for coming out to our events, following the site and letting us know how we can help make your live better and our site even more influential towards eating right and living a more fulfilling life.

The fact that people celebrate everything by having some kind of feast of special delicacy is something we love to commemorate daily. We’ve been doing the National Food Holidays at the start of each month for just over 4 years now and it feels good to be able say that.

October is National:
Eating Healthier Month
Eat Country Ham Month
National Apple Month
National Applejack Month
National Caramel Month
National Chili Month
National Cookie Month
National Dessert Month
National Pickled Peppers Month
National Pizza Festival Month
National Popcorn Month
National Pork Month
National Pretzel Month
National Seafood Month

The 1st Week of October is National No Salt Week & National Chili Week

The 2nd Week of October is home to:
National American Beer Week
National Food Bank Week (The Most Important Week of Them All!!)
National School Lunch Week
National Pasta Week

The 3rd Week of October is home to:
National Kraut Sandwich Week (Disgusting However You Look At It)
National Pickled Peppers Week

The 4th Week of October is home to:
National Chicken Soup for the Soul Week

Here is a complete breakdown of all of the glorious gastronomical holidays to await us in the Month of October:

October 1 World Vegetarian Day
October 1 Pudding Season Begins
October 1 Homemade Cookies Day
October 2 National Fried Scallops Day
October 3 National Caramel Custard Day
October 4 National Taco Day
October 4 National Vodka Day
October 4 Cinnamon Roll Day
October 5 National Apple Better Day
October 6 National Noodle Day
October 7 National Frappe Day
October 8 National Fluffernutter Day
October 9  Moldy Cheese Day
October 9 Submarine / Hoagie / Hero / Grinder Day

October 10 National Angel Food Cake Day
October 11 National Sausage Pizza Day
October 11 World Egg Day
October 12 National Gumbo Day
October 13 National Yorkshire Pudding Day
October 14 National Chocolate Covered Insects Day
October 15 National Chicken Cacciatore Day
October 15 National Roast Pheasant Day
October 16World Food Day
October 16 National Liqueur Day
October 17 National Pasta Day
October 17 Four Prunes Day
October 18 National Chocolate Cupcake Day
October 19 National Seafood Bisque Day
October 20 National Brandied Fruit Day

October 21 Apple Day
October 21 National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
October 21 Caramel Apple Day
October 22 National Nut Day
October 23 National Boston Cream-Pie Day
October 23 National Canning Day
October 24 National Bologna Day
October 24 Good & Plenty Day
October 25 National Greasy Foods Day
October 26 Pumpkin Day
October 26 Pretzel Day
October 26 Mince Meat Pie Day
October 27 National Potato Day
October 28 Wild Foods Day
October 28 National Chocolate Day
October 29 National Oatmeal Day
October 30 National Candy Corn Day
October 30 Buy A Doughnut Day
October 31 National Candy Apple Day
October 31 Trick or Treat for UNICEF Day

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