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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Two Degrees, Buy Their Products & Help Feed Hungry Children Worldwide

Brands built on the premise of giving back and helping the inhabitants of this world see another day, should be praised and spoken about frequently. Two Degrees, a company whose main focus is to help feed hungry children recently caught our attention at the Natural Products Expo, in Anaheim.
We took notice of Two Degrees, not because they had silly dressed characters passing out free samples, but because their mission statement was so prominently displayed. Their obvious desire to help any child who is hungry, get a square meal was felt after only a few seconds of conversation with one of their cheerful reps.

Too many companies nowadays say they are helping people who can’t seem to find a square meal no matter how hard they try, but in all actuality they are only lining their own pockets and avoiding having to pay taxes on their earnings. Two Degrees is not one of those "Culture Vulture" kind of companies.

TwoDegrees manufactures nutritious, delicious bars that are healthy, natural, and gluten free. They are consciously crafted with real fruit, nuts, seeds and heritage grains like chia, quinoa and millet.
We took a few days to snack on a couple of their bars such as the Apple Pecan, Cherry Almond & Chocolate Banana and found ourselves having bit more energy throughout the morning. A delicious snack that you can feed to your Vegan friends, that actually is involved in World affairs is a brand we respect and admire.

TwoDegrees makes it simple for their customers to do good. For every bar sold, they give a meal to a hungry child. The support from their customers allows them to fight childhood hunger both domestically and globally.
At Two Degrees, they purchase nutrient rich meals and medically formulated nutrition packs and whenever possible, these products are produced locally in the region they will be distributed - in this way, the purchase a customer makes of one Two Degrees bar also supports local economies.
Working closely with reputable companies such as Valid Nutrition, Two Degrees also helps communities begin to thrive by creating jobs for the locals and source most of their ingredients from local farmers. 

TwoDegrees provide meals to regions around the world that have been with famine by working alongside a network of non-profit partners in developing countries. Each of these organizations has dedicated distribution channels for the meals through health clinics, schools, and community groups in areas where children are suffering from chronic hunger or malnutrition. By donating one locally produced meal for each Two Degrees bar purchased, Two Degrees helps these organizations to provide needed meals to children.

To date, Two Degrees has donated regionally produced and supplied meals to children in the United States via Feeding America, Haiti, India, Kenya, Malawi and Somalia through Action Against Hunger, Akshaya Patra, IMA World Health, Partners in Health, Relief International and Valid Nutrition.

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