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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Enter Your Recipes For A Chance To Attend BlogHer 2013 in Texas

This post brought to you by Pompeian. All opinions are 100% mine.

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Every now and then, a bit of change in your life is a good thing. Changing up your routines and styles keeps you from falling into ruts, slumps and becoming bored with your surroundings. In the kitchen, change can often result in the awakening of the senses and spirit. Nothing compares to taking a bite of something memorable for the first time especially when you made it with your own hands. Pompeian & Hungry Girl are challenging foodies and bloggers from all around the World to re-create some of their favorite recipes using Pompeian grapeseed oil or OlivExtra Premium Mediterranean Blend, instead of their usual butter or vegetable oil. All you have to do is simply post your recipe on your blog w/ a picture of the finished product, head to the Pompeian’s Time to Change Your Oil app to share your link, enter your contact info and click submit. The lucky winner will be selected by Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien and will receive an expense paid trip to BLogHer Food ’13 in Austin, TX in June. The winning recipe will also be featured throughout the event courtesy of Pompeian.
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Chefs for years have known about the wonders of grape-seed oil because of its high smoke point and its light flavors that lend to just about any dish. We here at The Supreme Plate tend to use the Grape-seed in recipes like these Smoky Fried Chickpeas or this amazing Beef-Stir Fry that will have your friends begging for more. This is an incredibly easy contest to enter and can be won by anyone particularly those of you who have skills in the kitchen and take great photos (which happens to be most of our readers) just make sure you use the right products and then post it to the Facebook pge listed below. Just for entering alone, you will get a coupon for a free bottle of Pompeian Oils that you can use at your local grocery store. Please make sure so that you don’t find yourself excluded from the contest that you keep whatever post you submit, strictly about the contest and the oil itself, don't make this about your recent trip to Greece, that could be where ya find yourself lost.

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