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Thursday, November 1, 2012

The National Food Holidays of November 2012

November is a crucial moth for just about everywhere on the face of the planet. With it being the second to last month of the year, people begin to realize they haven’t lived up to their New Years Resolutions in the slightest and so they begin to make up for their shortcomings. We here at The Supreme Plate, don’t really care how you spend your year, so long as you do right by your loved ones and those in need around you. It really isn’t so much as what you do for yourself, but what you can do for others who need some love, friendship or a bit of good food ont heir plate to help them see another day.
As always as the year draws to a close, we remember those that we have lost who didn’t make it to see the high holidays and that sometimes puts many of us in a bad mood that rightfully so weighs heavy in our hearts.
With Hurricanes tearing apart much of the East Coast, we spend a minute to think how thankful and grateful we are that we did not lose anyone dear to us in the storm, but also hope that those who lost their homes are able to recover from such a drastic blow quickly.
Enjoy the last 60 days or so of the year, with lots of laughter, good food and strong drinks and as always get a sober person to drive you home, no one wants for you to be another memory that is thought of painfully.
Thanks for being a fan to the site, we couldn’t do it without you.

The Amount of food that is made in the month of November far outweighs almost every other month of the year. This year do the right thing and make something for someone less fortunate who may be suffering through some hard times, who just can't find the strength or desire to cook a good meal. You may not know how much you are doing, simply by giving someone a warm meal.

With that said here go the Food Holidays for November...

November is home to:
Georgia Pecan Month
Good Nutrition Month
National Peanut Butter Lovers Month
National Pepper Month
National Raisin Bread Month
Vegan Month

The 1st Week               National Fig Week
The 2nd Week              National Split Pea Soup Week
The 4th Thursday          National Turkey Day
The 4th Thursday          National Stuffing Day
The 4th Friday              National leftovers Day

November – 1            National Deep Fried Clams Day
November – 1            National Vinegar Day
November – 2            National Deviled Egg Day
November – 3            National Sandwich Day
November – 4            National Candy Day
November – 5            Doughnut Appreciation Day
November – 6            National Nachos Day
November – 7            Bittersweet Chocolate w/ Almonds Day
November – 8            National Cappucccino Day
November – 8            National Harvey Wallbanger Day
November – 9            National Scrapple Day
November – 9            CookSomething Bold & Pungent Day
November – 10            National Vanilla Cupcake Day

November – 11            National Sundae Day
November – 12            Chicken Soup for The Soul Day
November – 12            National Pizza w/ Everything (except Anchovies) Day
November – 13            National Indian Pudding Day
November – 14            National Guacamole Day
November – 14            National Pickle Day
November – 15            National Raisin Bran Cereal Day
November – 15            National Bundt Day
November – 16            National Fast Food Day
November – 17            National Baklava Day
November – 17            Homemade Bread Day
November – 18            National Vichyssoise Day
November – 19            Carbonated Beverage w/ Caffeine Day
November – 20            National Peanut Butter Fudge Day
November – 20            Noveau Beaujolais Day

November – 21            Gingerbread Day
November – 22            National Cashew Day
November – 23            National Espresso Day
November – 23            Eat a Cranberry Day
November – 24            National Sardines Day
November – 25            National Parfait Day
November – 26            National Cake Day
November – 27            National Bavarian Cream Pie Day
November – 28            National French Toast Day
November – 29            National Chocolates Day
November – 29            National Lemon Crème Pie Day
November – 30            National Mousse Day

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