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Monday, May 21, 2012

Fresh Whipped Cream & Strawberries... (National Strawberries & Creme Day)

Today is National Strawberries & Cream Day, which works out perfectly for us. Ya see we love strawberries, we love cream and with the temperature reaching 80 before 10:00am we know its going to be a long hot day, so what better to eat to keep yourself cool?

Strawberries (which aren’t hard to grow in your own backyard) are healthy for you, loaded with vitamins, minerals, healthy lipids and amino acids. Strawberries also contain the naturally produced chemical fisetin, an antioxidant that helps prevent kidney failure, resulting from diabetes as well as has been used in Alzheimer’s  Disease studies.
Today we give you one our most simple recipes to date: Strawberries & Cream.
You can either make the cream yourself (recipe below) or go and buy some Cool Whip at the store and keep it moving. Regardless of whatever method you choose to get your cream, make sure that you buy only fresh Strawberries, nothing would ruin your dish faster than a bag of frozen Strawberries.

You will need a pint or two of fresh Strawberries, washed thoroughly, tops removed and sliced (or you can hull them and fill the centers with fresh cream if you have a piping bag.)
Once you make the cream, simply apply as much as you desire onto the top of the freshly sliced berries and have at them.

Fresh Whipped Cream
1 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
3 TBS Confectioners Sugar
½ tsp Vanilla Extract

Place your mixing bowl in the fridge for about 10 to 15 minutes prior to making the cream, it will hold the cream together better once whipped
Now in the chilled bowl, begin to beat the cream until it starts to thicken.
Once it begins to thicken add the sugar and vanilla and beat until soft peaks form.
Store in the refrigerator until ready to use, after using if any is left over, store in a bowl covered with plastic wrap in the fridge.

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