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Friday, April 13, 2012

The Best Way To Grow, Miracle-Gro® Expand 'n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix

This post brought to you by Scotts®.  All opinions are 100% mine.

EnG Product Shot.png It is time for us to start being honest with ourselves, for the most part, growing up many of our ancestors had it harder than we did and so therefore they worked harder than we have too. How many of us out there have or had Grandparents who had beautiful gardens full of lively plants, vegetables, herbs and remarkable flowers that were far more breathtaking than any painted landscape could possibly be? These days, we don’t always allow ourselves enough time to take a moment and actually smell the flowers let alone attempt to grow them in our own homes.

With the cost of fuel constantly playing war with our pocketbooks, which in turn effects how much we pay for food, the time is now to start growing and cultivating our own gardens and take back control over what we eat and what is put into each and every ingredient we use. Expand ‘n Gro™

We have been growing our own herbs, peppers, fruits and vegetables over the last few years and have recently begun planting massive citrus and avocado trees on our property. To say the least, watching them grow is an amazing feeling especially when you can actually enjoy the fruits of your labor. We always state on The Supreme Plate, that in order to get the best results you should always use “The Right Tool, For The Right Job,” this instance being no different we want to talk about how wonderful of a product we found in the Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix. After picking up some very healthy trees from our local nursery, we took them home and planted them according to their instructions using Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix. Within a week we literally saw a tremendous amount of new growth and bright green vibrant leaves that just screamed of great things to come. If your wondering what made us choose Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix, we read up on it and saw that it says it feeds for up to 6 months, significantly improves soil for multiple years (a great thing when you live in one of the worst drought facing areas in America, year after year) and its all natural fibers hold up to 50% more water than basic potting soil. By expanding up to 3x its normal size once water has been added, its like giving your plant a healthy dose of all natural steroids. What that basically means to us as consumers is less spent on buying foods at the local grocery store, more money in pockets and healthier foods on our plates.

Buy commenting on this post, you too can receive a free sample of Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix and check it out for yourself. Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix is a must have this Spring, to get your Summer garden looking its ultimate best. Instead of having to go purchase a new car to make your neighbors jealous this year do it with your garden instead, we guarantee you’ll love the feeling.

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