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Saturday, October 8, 2011

IE Food Truck & Brew Fest

Today was a great day in the Inland Empire. The Sun was out, Food Trucks were serving some of the greatest eats known to mankind and a few classic drink companies were on hand to supply the needed fluids to keep everyone from overheating (and we did see a few cases of that going down throughout the day.)

With over 50 great Food Trucks setting up shop and numerous Beer and Alcohol vendors on hand, today's event was a complete success in my eyes and in thousands of peoples stomachs. Crowds began gathering early in hopes of avoiding long lines at the trucks many people have been dying to eat off of, with that said we knew it would be an interesting day to say the least.
Was on the scene raising awareness about Lebers Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) a vary rare disease that causes blindness. Please check out and support their cause.

Piaggio's was on the scene serving up some the best Pulled Pork Sliders w/ Chimichurri  sauce anyone on the face of this planet has ever had. Be on the lookout in the near future as we are going to be doing a huge follow up piece on Piaggios, for more info on them or to follow them around until you can find them, check their site: Piaggio On Wheels
VIP & Media were allowed to enter the park at 10am. By 10:30 The Grilled Cheese Truck already had a line of over 250 people. 

Our new Amigitas. Hope the day ended as fun as it started for you two. 

Doing what they do best, serving BOMB sliders w/ ultra fresh ingredients.

Dale Bros Brewery were pouring up some delectable beers and giving away some cool gifts to the attendees throughout the day.

Don Chow Tacos. 
Now think about this for one minute, every type of food while cooking gives off its own unique scent. This truck right here, smelled so great when you walked by that there was no way you weren't going to stop and eat. I mean Mexican & Chinese ingredients & recipes combined over smoking hot grills. These guys are doing true cooked to order the way food the way it was meant to be done. One of the best trucks of the day, hands down.

Another great idea that kept the parking lot smelling great, may business never slow down, I mean c'mon who doesn't love Bacon? 

Jarritos was on hand, bumpin' quality music as loud as could be, giving the event that real down home feeling. A true Southern California event is never complete without loud sounds, and Jarritos (especially when you need a little chaser for your libation.) The good guys & girls at the Jarritos truck had the best attitude of the day and even laced us up with a few shirts just for stopping by and chopping it up. Look for a detailed feature on them to come as well.

Over all it was a GREAT event, that hopefully continues on for many more years to come. Thanks for the all of the help from the Citizens Bank Arena Staff for making things flow smoothly, keeping the grounds clean and for being great and generous hosts.

Check back later for more photos and for further reviews.

1 comment:

  1. Its really cool that these trucks rolled out to the ie to let us check em out. Is it true they really aren't allowed in the inland empire?

    Jason childs
