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Monday, August 22, 2011

Fruit & Gorgonzola Salad w/ Proscuitto

Today being National Eat A Peach Day, we wanted to put up a healthy recipe that was quick and easy. Now anybody can wash off a peach, cut it up, add some chilé salt to it and call it a day, but what fun is that?
We have a salad that we put together on those warm nights where nothing sounds good, but still everyone is hungry. Now for those of you out their who do not choose to abstain from eating pork, you can omit the Proscuitto and put in some nice smoked peppered turkey, diced chicken breast that has been cooked and cooled or whatever your heart desires.
Like with most recipes (baking not included) they are only meant as guidelines to getting the job done, you can make subtle changes and variations as you go to suite your liking.
If your on a low / no carb diet, avoid the bread and this meal is a winner for everyone.

3 Oz Thinly Sliced Prosciutto
3 TBS Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
2 TBS Sherry Vinegar
1 tsp Dijon Mustard
Kosher Salt And Freshly Ground Pepper
2 Peaches, Pitted And Sliced 1/2-Inch Thick
2 Plums, Pitted And Sliced 1/2-Inch Thick
¼ Cup Thinly Sliced Red Onion
8 Cups Torn Mixed Salad Greens
2 To 3 Oz Crumbled Gorgonzola (Or Other Blue Cheese)
4 Slices Italian Bread, Toasted Or Grilled

Cut or tear the Prosciutto into bite-size pieces.
Place a large skillet over medium-high heat; add 1 TBS olive oil.
Add the Prosciutto in a single layer (you may need to do this in two batches); cook, turning occasionally, until crisp, about 1 minute per side.
Drain on a paper-towel-lined plate.

Add the remaining 2 TBS olive oil to the skillet over medium-high heat.
Whisk the vinegar, mustard, ½ tsp Kosher salt, and pepper to taste into the oil to make a smooth dressing.
Add the peaches, plums and red onion to the skillet; toss to coat and wilt the onion slightly.
Transfer the mixture to a large serving bowl.

Add the greens and half of the Gorgonzola to the bowl; toss to coat with the dressing. Divide the salad among plates; top with the crisp Prosciutto and the remaining gorgonzola.
Serve with the bread.

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