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Friday, August 26, 2011

Creamy Cherry Popsicles w/ Greek Yogurt and a Chocolate Shell

Ok this one I couldn’t go without posting, this here is our Ultimate Popsicle Recipe, that puts fresh Cherries, creamy Vanilla Greek Yogurt and Milk Chocolate all together in one handy treat.

With today still being National Cherry Popsicle Day and Otter Pops not really cutting it anymore we figured we would hit you off with one more recipe that can cool anyone down and put a smile on any face, even with a Hurricane pounding at your door.

The great thing about this popsicle recipe is that it uses Greek Yogurt, so it is truly a healthy snack. A lot of people have been asking us for recipes to incorporate Fresh Fruit and Greek Yogurt, so we figured this is the perfect time to put the two together seeing as how it is going to be well over 100 degrees in many spots across the country.

This recipe for Cherry Popsicles with a Chocolate Shell is nothing to fool around with.
Be sure to stash one in the freezer for yourself, because they always go fast and someone always wants two.

(Click Read More 4 The Entire Recipe)

For The Popsicles -
6 oz Fresh Cherries (pitted)
½ Cup Greek Vanilla Yogurt
½ Cup Whole Milk
1 TBS Granulated White Sugar

For The Shell -
2/3 Cup (4 oz) Semisweet Chocolate Chips
1/3 Cup (2.5 oz) Refined Coconut Oil


For the cherry popsicles:
In a blender, combine cherries, yogurt, milk, and sugar.
Blend until thoroughly combined and smooth.
Pour into your popsicle mold of choice and allow to freeze overnight (hint – Check back after a couple of hours no more than 3 or 4 and see if the popsicles are firm enough to insert your sticks of choice, if they aren’t ready just wait another hour and try again.)

For the quick shell:
In a double boiler over barely simmering water, whisk together the chocolate and coconut oil until the chocolate has completely melted.
Remove from heat and let cool completely before applying to pops.
Yields 3/4 cup of Quick Shell.

Adding the quick shell:
Hold a popsicle, flat side facing up, and use a small spoon to drizzle the quick shell onto the pops.
Wait a few seconds for the shell to harden and do the same to the other side.


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