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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Recipe Of The Day: Blueberry Popovers

Blueberries have some amazing powers. They can build up a weak immune system, provide protection to an ailing body and even better they taste good. A lot of times we get caught up in the fact that they are messy or can leave stains on clothes or hands so people tend to shy away from them when eating or making meals. But the Blueberry has earned its respect as one of the oldest and healthiest berries to be found all over the globe.
Today being National Blueberry Popover Day, we decided to hit you off with a recipe that is so simple even a child could pull it off perfectly.
Instead of having you make individual muffins we use a pie pan so that slices or rounds can be cut out and served according to how large of a slice your guests may like.
Enjoy this treat and like my Grandma used to say "Eat the blueberries kid, their good for you..."
(Click read more to see the rest of the recipe)

1 Cup             Blueberries (Frozen Blueberries will work)
1 Cup             Milk
2 TBS             Butter (Melted)
2                     Eggs (Lightly Beaten)
1 tsp                Vanilla Extract
1 Cup              All Purpose Flour
¼ Cup            Sugar
¼ tsp              Ground Nutmeg
¼ tsp              Kosher Salt
1 tsp                Cinnamon
Blueberry Yogurt (Garnish)

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
Butter the bottom of a 9 inch pie plate and place the berries into the bottom of the pan.

In a blender combine the milk, butter, eggs and Vanilla extract. 
Blend until combined.
Add flour mixture to blenders wet ingredients, blend until smooth (Do Not Over blend or Overwork)
Pour mixture over the berries.

Combine ¼ sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon together in a separate dish (you wont use all of it, but these ratios work out best, so possibly put this in a salt shaker or storage container)

Sprinkle mixture over the top of the Blueberries (roughly about 2 tsp)

Bake for 15 – 20 minutes at 450 f. then reduce down to 350 degrees for another 15 – 20 minutes or until set in the middle.
Remove from oven, let cool 2 – 5 mins.
Cut into slices  or use a biscuit cutter to make perfect round Popovers & serve warm

Serve with a dollop of Blueberry Yogurt on the side.

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