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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Perfect Puree of Napa Valley - Papaya Puree / Ginger Puree

Culinary Traditions Papaya Puree

This bright orange, full-bodied fruit is common to tropical regions around the world. Its perfumy aroma is well balanced by the musky flavor that defines papaya. Our Papaya puree captures the essence of this fine fruit and can be used in savorydessert and beverage applications.
Coconut Panna Cotta with
Mango-Papaya Sauce
Yield: 20 oz. 

For the mango-papaya sauce:
  • 3 oz. Perfect Purée Mango puree, thawed
  • 3 oz. Perfect Purée Papaya puree, thawed
  • 2 oz. simple syrup
  1. Combine all ingredients and transfer to a squeeze bottle or covered storage container.
  2. Refrigerate until use.
For the panna cotta:
  • 2 tsp. powdered gelatin
  • 2 oz. cold water
  • 10 oz. Perfect Purée Coconut puree, thawed
  • 8 oz. heavy cream
  • 4 drops vanilla extract
  • mint sprig to garnish
  1. Sprinkle gelatin over cold water and set aside.
  2. Simmer Coconut puree, cream and vanilla for 2 minutes. Whisk in dissolved gelatin.
  3. Pour into molds and refrigerate overnight.
  4. To unmold, dip molds in warm water or warm slightly with a butane torch and invert on a plate. Surround the panna cotta with mango-papaya sauce and garnish with mint.
Culinary Traditions Ginger Puree
Our Ginger puree is made from young rhizomes that are naturally sweet, not fibrous or bitter. Finely minced and mixed with cane sugar, this ingredient is ideal in desserts,pastry, spicy savory dishes that benefit from a sweetened ginger, and cocktails that showcase fresh ginger at its finest.
Moscow Mule
Ryan Magarian
  • 1 large barspoon Perfect Purée Ginger puree, thawed
  • ¼ oz. Perfect Purée Meyer Lemon Concentrate, thawed
  • ½ oz. simple syrup
  • 1 ½ oz. vodka
In a pint glass, add Ginger, Meyer Lemon, simple syrup and swizzle with barspoon to emulsify. Add vodka and fill glass with ice. Shake vigorously for 6 seconds, and strain over fresh ice into a large glass. Top with soda and stir. Garnish with wide lime peel.

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