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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Recipe Of The Day: Buttercrunch Toffee

Buttercrunch Toffee. Some people may have no clue what that is because it just isn’t as popular as it used to be. Hell it was never even really popular in my lifetime, but I wont front and act like I don’t like it. Today is National Buttercrunch Day and so I wanted to whip up a quick batch and put up a recipe for everyone to check out. This is the type of dessert that can last in the house about as long as you don’t remember it is there.
Say what you want about Toffee, but with the cold glass of milk that stuff is better than Crack. Not that we have ever smoked crack.
Enjoy this recipe with your kids, friends, coworkers and everyone who needs a bit of cheering up in their life.
Recipe Follows After The Jump.

10 ounces (2 1/2 sticks) butter
1 1/3 cups sugar
¼ tsp lecithin
1 heaping tablespoon corn syrup
1/8 tsp salt
¼ cup roasted chopped almonds, optional

In a saucepan melt butter over low heat.
Add sugar and lecithin and stir constantly with a wooden spoon over medium heat. 
When mixture comes to a boil, add the corn syrup and continue stirring constantly to prevent burning until temperature reaches 300 degrees F on a candy thermometer.
After mixture reaches 300 degrees F, remove from heat and add salt and chopped almonds, if using, and mixing gently.
Pour into a well buttered shallow pan.
Depth of toffee should be approximately 1/4-inch.
Before toffee sets, score with a knife or break into pieces.

Toffee should be stored in an airtight container

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