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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"30 Ways in 30 Days" Get Involved & Take Action To End Child Hunger

Feeding America


"Call Your Member of Congress Day" is part of Hunger Action Month. Explore "30 Ways in 30 Days" at hungeractionmonth.orgto learn about other actions you can take to reduce hunger and support Hunger Action Month.

Would you like to become a Hunger Relief Champion? Provide your name and phone number in the space below, and we'll call you to discuss how you can get more involved.
Current child nutrition programs will expire September 30 if Congress doesn't act. Congress shouldn't wait another day to take action on child hunger, and neither should you. Get ready -- we'll be calling soon to connect you directly to your Representative's office so you can tell Congress to pass a strong child nutrition bill now!

Many children go hungry simply because they don't have access to child nutrition programs when they are away from school. The child nutrition bill before Congress has the potential to dramatically reduce child hunger by making sure that children are connected to programs in their community. But Congress is running out of time to pass the bill before programs expire September 30.

For many children, access to nutritious food ends with the school day, leaving them without enough to eat at breakfast, afterschool, on weekends, and during the summer.

Soon, you'll be hearing from one of our Hunger Champion Coordinators who will call to connect you to your Representative's office. Help us make sure that children have access to the nutritious food they need to learn and grow by following these simple steps once you're connected:

Tell them that you are a constituent and state the name of the town you are calling from.
Say that you are calling about Child Nutrition Reauthorization.
Deliver this message:

Far too many children -- especially low-income children -- lack the nutrition they need to be healthy and successful. Please fund and pass a strong child nutrition bill that increases children's access to healthy meals both in and out of school.
Child nutrition programs offer the most nourishing meals that many children receive each day. The child nutrition bill before Congress provides an opportunity to reduce hunger among low-income children and improve nutrition for all children, but it won't happen without your support. By urging your member of Congress to improve children's access to nutritious meals, you can help make sure that all kids have the healthy start they deserve. Call your Representative today!

We can do more to ensure that vulnerable children have enough to eat, especially on weekends, after school, and during the summer when they can't rely on school meals.

Tell a FriendTell your friends and family to call too!  Post our link on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word!

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