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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Upgrade Your Living Room Lifestyle... MediaDecor

With TV prices plummeting because the latest craze in LCD TV’s has taken the nation by storm, millions of consumers are now finding themselves in the fortunate position to be able to afford what was once considered such a luxurious item.
True flat screen TV’s have allowed people to free their homes from hundreds of pounds of clutter on a table or stuffed into an entertainment center, but what about the space on the wall that could’ve been used for sentimental pictures, beautiful artwork or at least a purpose serving mirror?
Well a company from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida named MediaDecor, thought about that problem well before LCD TV’s were a thought in the publics mind and their solution to that problem came in the form of some the world’s most compelling, beautiful, and customized entertainment environments.  For more information, please visit:  

Artist Spotlight:
Joe Dea—Transforming original artwork or photographs into digital paintings

Media Décor is proud to offer the services of Emmy Award-winning TV director and digital artist Joe Dea, who can transform a client’s personal artwork into a stunning computerized digital painting (
Dea holds a degree in painting and multimedia from the Hartford Art School at the University of Hartford, and has exhibited in New York City at The Kitchen, Global Village, and the Whitney Museum.

He can digitally re-create an original work of art using traditional painting techniques—watercolors, oils, impasto, etc.—using a computer, digitizing tablet, stylus, and painting software ready to print on canvas. 
Digital painting differs from other forms of digital art and computer-generated art in that it does not involve computer rendering from a model. 
The artist uses traditional painting techniques to create the digital painting directly on the computer.

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