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Monday, June 7, 2010

National Seafood Month Potentially Ruined?

Typically, this time of year has numerous restaurants and purveyors of fine quality seafood beginning to reap the rewards from all of their hard work, the key word being typically. Thanks to a great bunch of venture capitalists and a few weeks of more than 200,000 gallons of crude petroleum spilling daily into our beloved Gulf Coastal waters, we can almost guarantee that the seafood we all grew up loving will be a distant memory.
True for many of us that doesn't mean the end of the world, but what about the people who were already struggling to survive off of what came out of the ocean?

By now everyone has seen the images that this catastrophic event has produced as millions of gallons of black death spilled into the ocean. Horrific events such as this bring to mind millions of questions, but the most present to me, at least at this moment is, when are we going to WAKE UP and take responsibility for our actions against Earth?

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