Check Out These Projects:

"Lemonade Was A Popular Drink And It Still is" (Homemade Strawberry Lemonade Recipe)

The Gifted Unlimited said it best, “Lemonade was a popular drink and it still is…”

Sometimes all you need to brighten up your day is a cold drink, some good conversation and a few quality songs to help pass the time. This Strawberry Lemonade recipe should put a smile on your face and this classic Gangstarr video should put some pep in your step…
(recipe & Video after the jump)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Rao's Heads West & Prepares To Take Over Hollywood

For the last 100+ years in East Harlem, a restaurant known for its notorious clientele (and the fact it only seats 10) has been putting out some of the most incredible & traditional Southern Neapolitan meals one could ever imagine eating. And imaging eating their food is most likely what you would do, simply because its nearly impossible for you to get a table there unless your name holds weight in the streets or your willing to shell out a few thousand bucks before you even sit down.

Alka-Seltzer Turns 82 Today

Plop Plop, Fizz Fizz oh what a relief it is… Alka Seltzer was first introduced to the masses today in 1932. Having been around over 80 years the brand has had its fair share of memorable ads, especially as of late. You may have never used the stuff, but trust us you either know someone who has or will use it yourself when you get older. 

More Photos After The Jump

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cherry Pie Cocktail (In Honor of National Cherry Pie Day)

1.5 oz Silver Tequila
½ oz White Crème de Cacao
1.5 oz Brandy
½ oz Cream
6 – 8 Cherries (frozen cherries will be ok if you can’t find fresh ones.

Place the cherries & tequila in a drink mixer and muddle until thoroughly mixed together.
After muddling the cherries and tequila, place all of the ingredients in a drink mixer filled with ice, cover and shake until the outside of the mixer feels frozen to the touch.
Serve in a chilled rocks glass.
Enjoy Responsibly

Presidents To Represent Me... (Get Money)

Today in 1996, Jay-Z released the lead single “Dead Presidents” off of his (in my opinion) best album ever, Reasonable Doubt. Reasonable Doubt was an incredible LP, filled with some of the most vivid word play, detailed descriptions of scenarios that many of us have lived through and classic samples that make this an unforgettable must have album.  

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Now Go & Get Your Money, Little Truffle Bag Boy...

The Black Perigord Truffle is one of the worlds most expensive ingredients, ranging anywhere from $1,400 a kilo at farmers markets to almost $5,000 a kilo at select retailers. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Today in 1993 2Pac Released His Second Album

Today in 1993, 2Pac (Tupac Shakur) released his second album “Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z” which saw him elaborate more on his political views and his rightfully placed mistrust in the justice, legal and law enforcement systems that are in place here in the United States. 

Prior to the entire coastal beef situation that the media did nothing to help, 2Pac was releasing a steady stream of socially conscious music that made many a listener take notice as to what was really happening in the streets. Unfortunately he was gunned down a few years later before he could get back to making albums of this nature. 

Don’t let the title fool you, this album paid homage to old school rappers from both coasts as well as had anthems such as “Keep Ya Head Up” the ultimate ode to single mothers as well as “I Get Around” which needs no further explaining. RIP

Happy National Almond Day

Whether you take them smoked with sea salt or covered in chocolate, today is National Almond Day celebrate accordingly. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

How To Eat Better (Without Realizing It)

By now we all know the importance of healthy eating, but making changes to your eating habits is usually easier said than done. If you’re a red meat and fried potatoes kind of eater, going cold turkey and switching to a salad-only diet probably won’t be effective. And even if you’re a usually healthy eater but have a weakness for chocolate, replacing all of your treats with fruit may not satisfy your sweet tooth.

Improving eating habits doesn’t have to mean a drastic switch in your diet, however. There are lots of ways to eat healthier, more nutritious and balanced meals without sacrificing the foods you crave.

Experiment with Cooking Methods
Oftentimes, a dish is unhealthy because of how it’s prepared, not necessarily because of what ingredients are in it. If you cook with a lot of oil or use frying as your go-to kitchen technique, try making the same dishes using different cooking methods. Oven bake traditionally fried foods like breaded chicken, fries and onion rings, and try roasting, baking poaching or grilling meats and vegetables.

Find Healthier Versions of “Junk” Foods
Just because you want to eat healthier doesn’t mean you’ll never get to enjoy your favorite junk foods again. Instead of cutting out fries, for instant, try baked sweet potato fries for a healthier, lower calorie option. Or choose whole grain popcorn instead of the variety that comes slathered in butter; pretty soon, your taste buds won’t even crave the “bad” stuff you liked before.

Substitute Vegetables
Cutting back on foods like red meat and starchy pastas is a common feature of healthier eating, but not everyone can give up goodness like burgers and macaroni so easily! Instead of cutting back on certain foods entirely, occasionally substitute veggies for the foods you’re cutting back on (but not every time!): cauliflower mac and cheese and portabella burgers are good examples of how substituting vegetables can still provide you with satisfying, indulgent meals.

Eat Seasonally
One easy way to trick yourself into eating healthier is to make it a goal to eat seasonally. Since good-for-you fruits and vegetables make up the majority of seasonal foods, making a point to go out and buy foods that are in season will automatically bring more nutrients and vitamins into your diet. You may even be exposed to new produce you never knew you liked before!

Season from Scratch
Instead of buying dressings and seasonings at the grocery store that tend to be high in sodium, calories or fats, try making your own at home. Salad dressings, taco seasoning and pasta sauces are all easy to make from the comfort of your own kitchen and will likely be much better for you—and better tasting—than anything you’d find at the supermarket.

Author Bio: This is a guest post by Meredith K. on behalf of Alexia Foods
For baked appetizer options and some simple recipes, visit

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

On The Move: Slaters 50/50

Slaters 50/50 is one of the places we will be giving you a thorough update on and very soon. Our resident fat man in the streets #Fatnando has deemed this place as currently holding the Holy Grail of Hamburgers. In his own words he stated that “the Slaters 50/50 peanut Butter & Jellousy is a burger that features a 1/3 lb patty consisting of Sterling Silver Ground Beef, topped with Thick Cut Bacon, Creamy Peanut Butter & Strawberry Jelly on a Honey Wheat Bun. Separating real adventurous foodies from the faint of heart, this burger had me in full attack mode, resulting in a full term food baby, complete satisfaction and a newfound respect for the homie Kory who put me up on game about this amazing burger.”

Look for more to come in the next week or two as we head back out on the road for more good grub worthy or gracing our pages. 
For more info check out:

ROTD: Tortellini & Pumpkin Alfredo Sauce

Its cold. And when it is as cold as it has been, there is nothing better than coming home to a warm house, filled with good food and great conversation. If you can’t find a bit of good conversation, don’t worry well help you at least supply the great meal to keep you from going stir crazy in that prison you call home.

Today is National Tortellini Day and we scooped up a recipe and gave it a bit of reworking to make it suitable for our readers who just don’t have all day to spend in the kitchen making an entire meal from scratch.

This recipe for Tortellini & Pumpkin Alfredo Sauce is quick, easy and delicious three things we really love around these parts.

(click Read More for the Entire Recipe) 

Monday, February 11, 2013

LA Weekly presents Plate at the Peterson Auto Museum March 3rd 2013

LA Weekly will be hosting their annual Food & Wine Event, “Plate” at the Peterson Auto Museum on March 3rd and this is event you surely don’t want to miss. Proceeds for the event will benefit the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank and you know how much we support anything that does good for Food Banks around the world. Restaurants participating in this years Plate include Picca, Mo-Chica, Tom Bergins, Philippe’s, The Hungry Cat, Border Grill, Huckleberry, Wurstküche & many, many more. Sponsors for the event include Stella Artois, Birchware, Gelsons Markets, Voss, Hendricks Gins, Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum, Hornitos Tequila, Jarritos & many more as well.

Truly these kinds of events don’t happen often where you can gather so much wonderful information’s about brands you weren’t aware of and restaurants that you must give a try. 
We look forward to bringing you some amazing coverage as well as even seeing you in attendance.

For more information check out: LAWeekly.Com or LA Weekly presents Plate 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Don't Drink & Drive

We love to promote foolery on all sorts of levels but one thing we don’t condone is Drinking & Driving. Please, get a designated driver, slash your own tires, do something to ensure you don’t kill innocent people or cost yourself thousands of dollars. It’s just not worth it.

Sushi Chef Indicted for Selling Whale Meat in Santa Monica, CA

Chef Yamamoto (photo courtesy of Eater)

Various outlets have been reporting over the last few years about the growing problem of restaurants serving illegal foods such as endangered species of animals or mammals you just shouldn’t eat. Today the LA Times reported about an open case from a couple of years ago where an importer by the name of Ginichi Ohira plead guilty to getting cracked for conspiring to import and sell illegal whale meat. Mislabeling the meat from Sei Whales as Fatty Tuna from the years 2007 to 2010 Owners of the now closed (because of this case) The Hump, which was housed in the Santa Monica Airport have also been charged with Conspiracy, Smuggling, Obstructing an official proceeding, Unlawful sale of whale meat and Violating the marine mammal act. 
More Info & Photos after the jump

Monday, February 4, 2013

Food For Thought

Keeping the mind sharp enables you to see things that others don’t see in this mundane world of sorts. Alleviate the stresses of life by always trying to look on the bright side instead of searching for ways to make yourself even angrier. We always like to look at the creations other people put out there for the world to see just how their mind works.
More Photos After The Jump.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The National Food Holidays of February 2013

Ladies & Gentlemen, we are now starting off the second month of the year and with that we hope that you are sticking to your New Years resolutions as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This time of year sees the Super Bowl taking place, sports greats being inducted into various Halls of Fame as well as some fantastic food events that pop up all across the Nation. Events such as the Napa Valley Mustard Festival in Napa Valley, the Big Sur Chanterelle Cook Off, Atlantic City Restaurant Week, Bocuse d’OR USA Finals in Hyde Park New York and many more are taking place and should be checked out to expand upon your culinary knowledge and experiences.

February is:
National Fresh Berry Month
Canned Food Month
Celebration of Chocolate Month
Great American Pies Month
National Fiber Focus Month
National Hot Breakfast Month
National Grapefruit Month
National Snack Food Month
National Cherry Month
National Potato Lovers Month
National Sweet Potato Lovers Month

The First week of February is:
Shape Up w/ Pickles Time

The Second week of February is:
Great American Pizza Bake Week,
Jell-O Week,
Kraut & Frankfurter Week

The Fourth week of February is:
National Pancake Week,
National Food Checkout Week

The Second Monday of February is:
National Oatmeal Monday Day

February 1    National Baked Alaska Day
February 2    National Heavenly Hash Day
February 2    National Crepes Day           
February 3    National Carrot Cake Day
February 4    National Homemade Soup Day
February 4    National Stuffed Mushroom Day
February 5    National Chocolate Fondue Day
February 5    National Pancake Day
February 6    National Nutella Day
February 7    National Fettucini Alfredo Day   
February 8    National Molasses Bar Day
February 9    National Bagels & Lox Day
February 9    National Pizza Day
February 10  Cream Cheese Brownie Day

February 11  National Peppermint Patty Day
February 12  National Plum Pudding Day
February 13  National Tortellini Day
February 14  National Crème-Filled Chocolates Day
February 15  National Gumdrop Day
February 16  National Almond Day
February 17  National Indian Pudding Day
February 17  National Café Au Lait Day
February 17  National Cabbage Day
February 18  Crab Stuffed Flounder Day
February 18  National Drink Wine Day
February 19  National Chocolate Mint Day
February 20  National Cherry Pie Day

February 21  National Sticky Bun Day
February 22  National Margarita Day
February 23  National Banana Bread Day
February 23  National Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
February 24  National Tortilla Chip Day
February 25  National Clam Chowder Day
February 25  National Chocolate Covered Nuts Day
February 26  National Pistachio Day
February 26  National Chili Day
February 27  National Strawberry Day
February 27  National Kahlua Day
February 28  National Chocolate Souffle Day
February 29 (Leap Day)  Surf & Turf Day

Other Culinary events taking place are the:

The Glendale Annual Chocolate Affair in Glendale Arizona