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Monday, May 31, 2010

The Supreme Plate "Substitutions Cost Extra" PT II

Fresh off the last run of The Supreme Plate X Sukebe Demons "Substitutions Cost Extra" collaboration shirts (for those that slept, all we can do is shake our heads) we are back again to hit you with another soon to be classic T-shirt for the Summertime.
You know what time it is....

They are available in limited batches of 36 so get yours while they are still available.

Le Creuset, Bold Colored Products Built To Last A Lifetime

When your wish is to create some form of a masterpiece in the kitchen, you really need to have the right tools, a little bit of knowledge as to what, where, why and how your doing what your doing and a few key skills when using your tools and equipment.

To own an item that can multi task for you as well as eliminate the always annoying amount of dishes one may have to clean is a blessing. Le Creuset, a brand who since 1925 has built a reputation for uncompromised quality, creates products that are workhorses in the kitchen. From the newfound novice to the old pro, putting dishes together that will literally melt in your mouth has never been more consistently convenient.

Recipe Of The Day: Grilled Rosemary Chicken Breasts & Shiitake Mushroom Vinaigrette

Memorial Day BBQ's are popping off in abundance and with them, some of the greatest grilling recipes found on the face of this Earth are being revealed to lucky party goers across the Nation. This weekend we hit the grill in full force and were lucky enough to have a backyard full of friends and loved ones on hand enjoying great drinks and phenomenal food.
Smokey BBQ burgers, links of a various flavors galore from Cajun Chicken with Apple to Turkey W/ Artichoke & Garlic these links were nothing to play with. But the greatest joy coming off the grill during the festivities came in the form of various flavored Chicken dishes that were hitting the tables in abundance that were snatched up instantly by everyone in attendance.

This Rosemary Chicken Breast & Shiitake Mushroom Vinaigrette did the job efficiently and so we feel it is only right to pass it along to you.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Recipe Of The Day: Grilled Steak & Papaya Salad

This recipe right here, needs no special story to make it sound appealing, no healthy kick of ingredients to make you feel guilty for what you ate yesterday, no not at all. This recipe right here, stands alone on its own merits as possibly one of the best steak and salad combos you will ever make for yourself and your loved ones.
Never mind the fact that every single person who puts a bite of this dish to their lips will most likely sing your praises for the next 6 months, just trust us and make this salad this weekend (seeing as how it almost Memorial Weekend and most of us haven't so much as made any plans to get the BBQ going, right?)
The photo alone makes me wanna rip off my monitor and take a bite so that lets you know its on point.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Step Your Game Up: Knowing What To Look For When Purchasing Beef

For those of you who follow us closely and read all the delicious recipes where we call out the names of various cuts of beef / steaks, but don't truly know the difference between a rib eye and a flank steak, this article is just what you need to read. To quickly discover the difference between, cuts, and grades read below and become enlightened at the vast amount of knowledge you be able to bust out at the next BBQ you attend.
True indeed the only dumb question that exists is the one that was never asked and here we answer a great question; just how in the hell does the USDA grade beef and why?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Recipe Of The Day: Grilled Lobster Tails & Lemon Clarified Butter

Now who said we couldn’t give you an easy to follow recipe for lobster tails that resulted in the most juiciest flavorful pieces of gods greatest crustacean ever made? Ok so no one really said that we just wanted to act like we had a few haters who needed some calming down at the moment.

We do have to advise you as always that when cooking a dish such as this timing is crucial, do not over cook your lobster or else you will be mad at how tough your little treat has become. 
The Key to the butter to also keep an eye on your temperature and your fats. skim the top frequently, do not burn the butter. 

Also we ne know that with every good food must go a great drink, for this simple recipe we recommend a light Moscato wine, for those not into wines, try a Vodka Gimlet, the dash of lime sets off the seafood perfectly.

To-Go Ware. A Brand Inspired By Saving Our Planet.

Current day dilemmas such as the lack of space for safe landfills, little to no uplifting employment, and even less resources and or money are causing people to be forced to rethink their approach to each and every meal they wish to digest.

But what about the people who have to eat on the go daily, with meals they have prepared at home? Not everyone can afford to eat out daily when they are barely making enough to cover their bills right? But then lets face it, no one wants to the guy or girl who is seen shuffling in multiple plastic wrapped plates with a bag of clanging silverware daily into the office every single day. 

And do we really need to speak about how the responsible adult in all of us, should not continue to allow ourselves to throw away millions of pounds of plastic cups, silverware and paper plates daily?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Taste The Soup...

This is just some classic Eddie before he went crazy left and stopped making truly hilarious movies. But regardless how you feel about him now, he was and always will be one of THE FUNNIEST MEN to ever do it. Enjoy!

Shoutout to Oren A. A true Soldier for The Supreme Plate

Recipe Of The Day: Black Bean & Roasted Corn Summer Salad

This recipe is delicious, healthy, simple to make and affordable year round. This is one that can be served up hot or cold and can either be a main dish itself if your looking to go light or will work alongside just about main entree you wish to pair it up with. Usually served up along our classic pink peppercorn crusted steaks this time out we chose to let the salad speak for itself and take center stage.
The crisp texture of the smokey roasted corn mixed with the smoothness of the beans just sets this dish off perfectly.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Recipe Of The Day: Grilled Jerk Chicken w/ Mint Habanero Glaze

We have stated over and over our fondness for the golden bird in our test kitchens and just feel that with Summer here in the Southern section of the Great Golden State California, that you can never go wrong with a little grilled chicken. This time around instead of just leaving it at alone with the jerk seasonings we decided to give the recipe a little twist with the help of a great Mint & Habanero glaze that works like a great tag team to heat up and cool down this great grilled delight.
This must be enjoyed with ice cold drinks of the top shelf variety, such as Silver Patron Margaritas, or Mint Juleps loaded with top shelf Glenlivet. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can't Decide What To Drink In May?

Let us help you out with a different approach to cocktail making than some of you may be used too.  The Mint Julep, a great drink perfected in the Southern regions of the United States is a drink made up usually of high quality whisky, sugar and mint. Similar to a mojito only using different liquor and a dash of pwodered sugar, this drink is great in the Summer months.

4 Fresh Sprigs Mint
3 ½ oz Glenlivet 18 Scotch Whisky
1 tsp Powdered Sugar
2 tsp Water

Muddle mint leaves, powdered sugar, and water in a Collins glass.
Fill the glass with shaved ice and add Whisky.
Top with more ice and garnish with a mint sprig.
Serve with a straw.

Fifteen Questions With A Top Flight MC.

The ability to convey a thought that can quickly be related too by the masses takes a lot of talent. True it can be argued that over the years numerous entertainers have gained status and wealth without really being overly clever or even educated for that matter. It was once said by an insanely intelligent man “whoever said that platinum record sales, equal skill preservation.”
In quoting that witty bar, we hoped to help entertain the thought of, just because someone sold a few million records, should they be truly be considered skilled at their craft?

Having a career that spans over a decade in any form of the entertainment industry takes an amount of tenacity far greater than any sports coach could imagine containing. The massive amount of critics that lay out there waiting to destroy someone’s progress before they even get off the ground are uncountable. To be able to not only have your own catalog of quality music, but to also appear on numerous critically acclaimed works with many notable artists speaks volumes for an artists respect within the musical community.

Traveling around the world more times than one can count, tearing down some of the largest stages, arenas and musical halls and being an inspirational teacher to the youth are just a few of the notches that Defari, has carved in his Tool-belt.
We hit up a longtime friend, who we have more pounds of respect for than our bodies could humanly contain to pick his brain on everything from where to find good food, to what it takes to be an MC in this current day and age.

Ladies and Gentlemen we give you, Fifteen Questions With A Top Flight MC.

Recipe Of The Day: Cedar Plank Salmon

With Salmon being in season year round (ok that is true in Southern California because we have an abundance of health conscious people who demand that it constantly be made available for consumption) and so many great recipes existing solely for this great fish, there is no reason you shouldn't add it to your diet.
Todays Recipe Of The Day is all about easy cooking, easy cleaning and great eating. Cedar Plank Salmon can be made both indoors and outdoors and yet it will be able to still pack those amazing flavors and aromas.
This recipe is one we use every 4th of July and anytime we have a guest over who doesn't partake in any of the meat dishes we are serving.
Remember to Take The Time To Presoak Your Planks or else you will be left with a big blaze of fire and smoke on the grill or in your home and that is never a good thing.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Breathtaking Beyond Belief: The Aria Resort & Casino

Amazingly enough, the time for our “The Supreme Plate Road Trip” had arrived and our staff was nothing short of excited. The decided destination this time around was The Aria Resort, which resides in the “Sinful” city full of glitz, glam and gorgeous eye catching attractions, Las Vegas.
Now for those of you who stay loyal and read our updates, you already knew we were headed to Vegas to attend a few shows and do some thorough inspecting into this newly created oasis in the middle of the desert.
After a short but adventurous drive into town we arrived at The Aria Resort (living in Southern California does have it advantages and besides who wants to hassle with airports when your only 3 hrs away by car?)

At first glance the hotel is utterly breathtaking. To take in its full beauty one must really stop everything they are doing and gaze at the amazing architectural lines of the properties as they fall against the beautiful mountainous backdrop.
Located in the heart of the strip, we pulled into the rather easy to navigate valet line, where we were instantly greeted by a young gentleman, who was all smiles and excitement about our arrival and our plans for the weekend.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Recipe Of The Day: Shrimp Spring Rolls w/ Cucumber Yogurt Dip

Continuing on with our Shrimp theme from yesterday, we wanted to give you a bit of crunch this time with your shrimp. We decided what could possibly be better than some crunchy fried Shrimp Spring Rolls with a cool cucumber yogurt dip?
This recipe is an adaptation from one we picked up years ago from a longtime friend, the cool cucumber dip helps to evoke Earthy flavors and the sweet & saltiness of the shrimp.
Truly refreshing with a cold Heineken or a Rum & Coke (fruit punch for you youngsters please, your time to drink grown up libations will arrive soon enough.)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Recipe Of The Day: Shrimp Lettuce Wraps

This dish here is a favorite in the test kitchen because it is easy and usually helps us use up our leftover shrimp and greens from a long day of testing.
This is quick and easy to make and healthy beyond believe. The added flavor from the limes makes the wraps impossible to put down.
Try these with some homemade limeade or pink lemonade kicked up with Bacardi Silver.

Monday, May 3, 2010

This Isn't Your Mothers Blender (But It Should Be Yours.)

Blenders these days are available in an abundance and are being built to serve a multitude of functions. Some are meant to merely chop and erase the hard work it takes to slice and dice a few items, while others are built to perform a wide range of culinary tricks that help enhance every single dish, drink and dessert they touch.
Creating perfect emulsifications, soups and smooth purees for one of the billions of dishes being made today in homes and restaurants around the globe, requires a solid piece of equipment that can perform time after time (without fail.)
Chef’s and bartenders alike know the name Vitamix® and now so should you.
For those of you who watch Iron Chef or any one of the other million or so cooking shows you may have noticed that 9 times out of 10 the Chefs are relying on this brand, simply because they work EVERYTIME.
Before now Vitamix® were a bit expensive for the average household to own because let’s face it how often does the typical household use a blender?
From the innovating leader in professional-grade blenders, the new Vitamix® Professional Series 500 enables you to dial up hundreds of healthy and delicious culinary masterpieces. 
This is the first Vitamix® model with three preprogrammed settings – Smoothies, Frozen Desserts and Hot Soups – to help home chefs make gourmet meals like the pros.

Recipe Of The Day: Champagne Risotto

Risotto is a tradition rice dish served in Italy. Usually cooked in a rich broth and containing great ingredients such as parmesan cheese, meats, fish or vegetables this dish is a sure fire hit that will steal the show from whatever main entree your serving it alongside. The name literally translates to little rice and is the most common way of cooking rice in Italy.
This version we have kicked it up a little with the help of some good champagne which only helps to add to final creamy texture you should hopefully be awarded with. Be careful as over cooking, over stirring and not adding the broth when needed will ruin this dishes flavors and textures.