Check Out These Projects:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Time Saving Tools "Kuhn Rikon Kulu Herb & Vegetable Knife"

Kuhn Rikon is known worldwide for their innovative and creative kitchen tools that are synonymous with quality and nothing less. We recently came across their  “Nonstick Kulu Herb & Vegetable Knife”  From the looks of this thing alone we had to put it to use instantly. 
The rocking motion it looks to offer is similar to a lot of the techniques practiced in our test kitchens and it would be nice to see if a new product was to be released that mimicked the actual motion of a Chef’s knife.

Recipe Of The Day: Steak Fajitas

This recipe is one of our classics, that was created to feed a hungry mass of people who hit our house late night after being out all night. Although it is done best when the meat is left to marinate for 10 hours, this can be thrown together in a hurry and pulled off perfectly every time when paid attention to.
There is nothing like walking into the house and being hit by the amazing aroma that Steak Fajitas brings. It is truly a blessing to live in a country where there is never a shortage of quality beef.
This recipe can also use lamb, or pork shoulder but nothing beats Steak.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Delicious Designer Rugs?

Some people dream of owning designer fur coats and fur rugs for in front of their fire places, but not us. We want one of these to let people lounge on during those cozy nights sipping hot toddy’s and cognac, a Gummi bear rug.

Recipe Of The Day: Grilled Chicken & Roasted Pear Salad

This time of year people are finding themselves outside more, looking to lighten up in the weight department and in need of some serious nutrients due to the sudden amount of alcohol they are consuming.
This salad mixes the best of a few worlds and allows you to feel light and full of energy after tearing up a few plates instead of ready for a nap. The dressing goes perfect with the crispy chicken and roasted pears and sits wonderful on top of the mixed greens.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cutlery That Could Change Your Life

The cleaver. No we are not talking about some outdated family sitcom from the days of black and white TV, we are talking about the mighty piece of steel used to hack through chicken and fish bones in the kitchen. These often times king sized, overly menacing looking tools are great to have when the time comes for breaking down some rather large sized cuts of meat. Unless you are truly skilled with the use of a knife, you would never want to chance damaging your Chefs knife when trying to scythe a chicken or massive catfish full of bones.

The only problem with a lot of the cleavers on the market is that they have no versatility, they are overly heavy, clunker type pieces of metal that constantly need honing because of the cheap methods used to create them. Typical cleavers do not go from chomping through bones like a wild animal to finely mincing up herbs, dicing onions or performing intricate cuts on delicate items like garlic without doing some damage. A little known fact, when overly minced, Garlic’s flavor becomes drastically changed for the worse due to the excessive amounts of carbon dioxide it receives.

If you were up on the site when we did some of our previous knife reviews, you would know that the Mac Knives passed with flying colors in every single test we put them through. After over using their tools in our kitchen for a month, they are still holding up true to form like they did the day we received them. This time around we ran through a myriad of tests with their SD-65, Cleaver Knife.
Check the rest of the story for how amazed we were at what this knife could do when put to the test.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Recipe Of The Day: Fried Chicken w/ Cayenne Honey

Today is a great day. Let it be known that at The Supreme Plate offices, every April 21st is The Supreme Plate Chicken Day and thus being that day, we are going to eat lots of chicken to celebrate. As do a lot of people I prefer a very crunchy and juicy piece of chicken.
I cannot stand when some soggy mess of greasy pale chicken hits my plate. I was lucky growing up in Southern California where good chicken is available in large amounts and more fried chicken spots existed than one could count. It is often joked about amongst my friends, my fondness for chicken so today is only fitting that we give you this great Fried Chicken & Cayenne Honey recipe.
 The key to great chicken lies in how hot your oil is, how well you season the chicken and how long you fry the delicious golden bird. When you drizzle some of this spicy and sweet cayenne honey over your chicken it is like mixing the perfect drink on a hot evening when the music is just right and all of your friends are close by, a truly great thing.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Recipe Of The Day: Stuffed Piquillo Peppers w/ Goat & Manchego Cheese

Here is a quick and healthy recipe that will serve as the perfect side for any protein dish or as an entree itself. I prefer to grill up some chicken thighs drizzle them with hot sauce and eat them with these great peppers. They also hold up well overnight and can be reheated the next day as an at work treat to help cut out the horrible messes we always find ourselves eating during crunchtime, I mean lunchtime.

RIP Guru of Gangstarr

Although this has nothing to do with food, this has more to do with life and inspiration. Yesterday the rapper known as Guru (Keith Elam) from the legendary group Gangstarr passed away. Guru was a prolific lyricist with a passion for Jazz as many people know. Guru gave the world so many monumental classic songs, filled with line after line of straight ahead of its time wordplay. The Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal, gave a sense of strength and urgency for people to take heed to their actions as far as being responsible in their communities.
Don't let his separation from DJ Premier fool you, Gangstarr was one of the most inspirational, low key flamboyant, trendsetting groups ever.
RIP Guru.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Recipe Of The Day: Gambas Al Ajillo (Shrimp w/ Garlic)

For those in the know it is National Garlic Day and here in California we love our garlic. Partly because we have such an abundance of this wonderful flavor enhancer due to our great coastlines and weather and two because of the influx of so many nationalities with various cuisines that call for the mighty stinking rose.
Today being the holiday it is, calls for this awesome spanish inspired dish Gambas Al Ajillo or Shrimp w/ Garlic. This dish is best served piping hot and as an appetizer.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring / Summer Tools For The Kitchen & BBQ

As we grow and mature, our methods of making these delicious meals we love to consume must grow as well. Of course we love to cook over fire, but who wants to chance losing some of our delicious faire to the  hands of fire down below just because we didn't take a few minutes to properly equip ourselves? Even worse is when you have taken time to nurture what you are cooking, locking in its moisture and maintaining every bit of seasoning, only to have it mishandled when being transfered to plates by some unsuspecting helper in the kitchen. Well have no fear, a few of these tools will help even the most novice of cooks get through the roughest of days and the others will help you keep your goods safe to be eaten another day (sometimes the tin foil covered plate just doesn't do your food justice the following morning.)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Recipe Of The Day: Red Beans & Rice

Everyone knows that its the delicious side dishes that make a meal complete. You can have the best steak milanese in the world but what good is it without some beans and rice on the side. Beans and Rice are a staple food in many homes around the world.
Heck in some nations it is all you may find in the cabinets due to the horrifying famines we are all currently facing (by the way, anytime is always a good time to donate some food to your local food bank.) Over time some of the most amazing dishes have been created out of these two simple ingredients and one of them is Red Beans & Rice.
People have often asked what it was that gave our Red Beans & Rice their deep smokey flavor and I always tell them its the Smoked Paprika.
This dish is a quick fix and will fill you up without any problems.
I usually eat this version alongside some of our golden fried chicken, grilled chicken breasts or with another great dish, Steak Picado.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

GELPRO Quality Anti-Fatigue Flooring

Time well spent making anything of quality has to take its toll on you somehow, isn’t that how life goes?  Spending a lot of time in the kitchen has a tremendous effect on the knees and lower back (we wont get into the arms, wrists, shoulders and so on.)
Anyone who has spent some serious hours on the line or working in any aspect of the kitchen brigade knows that a good pair of shoes and some quality flooring are crucial when pulling double shifts day after day. But to have some soft floors, you must be prepared for having to work twice as hard to clean the stains and messes created throughout the day. What a conundrum to overcome.

Recipe Of The Day: Medallones De Res (Beef Medallions) w/ Wilted Spinach & Roasted Potatoes

A longtime friend hit us up and said that their stomachs were in need of some classic Medallones De Res. Well if there is one thing we truly love at The Supreme Plate its beef medallions in a rich sauce. We put a bit of a twist on the classic recipe that we had  been given years ago and added a velvety Cognac sauce, some wilted spinach & roasted potatoes to round out everything. It isn’t often you find us giving up recipes for an entire meal, but what would be if we didn’t try our best to entertain our guests.
It is best to try to knock out the potatoes first, get yours steaks going and moments before taking them out of the broiler, get that spinach going so that everything hits the plate HOT.
Also for those that don’t know about serving dishes of this nature on a warm plate, that will help your dish carry over to your guests a lot better than a cold plate.
No one wants hot steak, soggy potatoes and cold spinach.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

More Fly Culinary Artwork

A lot of these pics have been floating around for some time but to the masses they are relatively unknown. We figured that the best way to inspire people is to introduce them to things outside of their normal thought process. These photos are just a mere glimpse into the world of food art and how creative people can become if given the right amount of time to allow things to fall into focus. Enjoy these as much as we do and never limit yourself to believing that what you see if all you get with anything in this world.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Recipe Of The Day: Ropa Vieja

Ropa vieja, which is Spanish for "Old Clothes," is a popular dish of the Canary IslandsCadizGreater Miami and the Caribbean, especially Cuba,PanamaPuerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. It is a shredded flank steak in a tomato sauce base. 
For those of you that are lucky enough to live in or near by an area that has some sort of influence from any one of these nations you already know what kind of deep flavors come from Ropa Vieja. But if your unaware of the amazing food that comes from each and every single one of these spots, let us introduce you to a slow cooked favorite of ours that melts in your mouth with each bite.  This is to be enjoyed with cold beer, rum & Coke, mint mojitos & Tequila shots. 

Pharrell Williams Birthday Cake

I meant to put this up the other day and just realized I left it sitting on the desktop.
Pharrell Williams, who needs no sort of introduction or explanation as to who he is turned 37 on April 5th and was given this amazingly fresh cake at a surprise birthday party for him held in Miami.
Check his blog out for some dope pics from his birthday party that was intricately detailed in every way to resemble the new Alice In Wonderland Movie.
More pics after the jump.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bella Pepper All Natural Sauces

I don't know what is is about The Supreme Plate and our quest to consume some of the hottest sauces on the face of this Earth. I caught a few reviews on other various media outlets about Bella Pepper and the different types of marinades and finishing sauces they produce and was quite impressed. Then it just so happened that we received our very own package of their Bella Diavolo Extreme Heat & Bella Forte Hot sauces and we figured it was time to bust out some Fajitas and test out their products.

Recipe Of The Day: Chipotle Chicken Fajitas

There is nothing like having some good homemade food to start off your work week. Especially when the dish is healthy and loaded with delectable flavors. The subtle piquant aromas and tastes supplied but the adobo chiles, cayenne and paprika are what truly gives this dish its depth. Don't forget your pico de gallo and guacamole. I enjoy this usually with a side of roasted corn and Jalapeno peppers and our secret recipe sweet pinto beans.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Recipe Of The Day: Baked Macaroni & Cheese

We are posting this up a little late due to the extensive and oftentimes painfully grueling taste testings we have been performing with all the vicious hot sauces pouring in.
One of our good friends from way before day one of the site hit us up and asked how we perform that lovely dish we call Baked Macaroni & Cheese. Baked Macaroni & Cheese is really simple and as long as you don't overcook any of these precious ingredients you will be in for a great treat that sticks to the ribs and goes great alongside just about EVERYTHING.
Enjoy this recipe and remember that the leftovers go great the next day, when turned into fried mac & cheese. But now were just giving up too much info...